Blue Flash

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Power of the Group

Individually we may wish for a better world. We may even choose a lifestyle that embodies our ideals. But we are limited, in our isolation in what we can accomplish. I believe we can have a greater impact for change if we join together with others in a common cause. To start with we must learn to listen to each other. It is only through really listening to people with different viewpoints that we can learn from each other. The other day I listened to the grandson of Mohandas Gandhi, Arun Gandhi, speaking about passive resistance and non-violence. He said his grandfather would pray every day, the prayers from all religions. He said when we think we have found the truth we no longer continue to look for the truth. In other words we stop learning about each other and ourselves. Finding a common ground is not an easy thing, but it is made even more difficult if we think we have all the answers before we start. Another thing I believe is something that was said by Suzanne Arms “birth activist”, “ Information alone does not create change or transform people’s way of thinking”. So if this is true, and I believe it is true, it creates a challenge to the way we approach things. I think we can start with the dissemination of information but we must back it up with actions that are going to impact people on a personal level. So my goal as we go forward with this project is that we approach it with an open mind, an open heart, try to learn something from each other, and let our creativity blossom. An analogy I learned from listening to Arun Gandhi is this; Peace is like a grain of wheat, if I keep it isolated it will wither and die, but if I join it together with other grains of wheat and
expose it to the sun, wind and rain it will flourish and grow. So hopefully we can take these concepts with us as we move foreword with this exciting endeavor.

Your Friend in PEACE
Marianne Power

1 comment:

rosi-r said...

Hi Sis,
I'm so proud of the work that you're doing. I've put a link to your blog on mine. Hope it creates some interest.
Love you,

Sankofa "Return and Get It"